Friday, July 30, 2010

boy and girl love..^_^

Girl: I like someone.
Boy: Who?
Girl: Wait wait. I
love someone.
Boy: Can you
tell me?
Girl: Yeah, but
you can't laugh.
Boy: Okay. I wont
just tell me.
Girl: It starts with

y & ends in u.
Boy: I like that
person too..


Girl: Do you like me?

Boy: No

Girl: Do you think I’m pretty?

Boy: No

Girl: If I leave will you cry?

Boy: No

(Girl runs away, but boy stops her)

Boy: I don't think you're pretty,

I think you're beautiful,

I don't think I like you,

I LOVE you, if you leave,

I wouldn't cry, I’d die


girl: ok I have a question for you
boy: alright ask me..
girl: what do you see when you look in my eyes?
boy: you honestly wanna know..
girl: yeah..
boy: my future


Boy: So what are we?
I don't know. What do you
want to be?

Boy: Whatever makes you happy
Girl: I'm already happy. So what will make you happy?
Boy: You


Girl: ha-ha my friend just told me to date you
Boy: really, why?
Girl: because your sweet, funny and I talk about you lots
Boy: well you should listen to her; she’s sounding smart to me


Him: whats up?

Her: ...oh hi..

Him: whats wrong?

Her: ..Nothing.

Him: oh come on! I know you! What’s the matter?

Her: I think I’m in love with my best friend.

Him: I thought I was your best friend..?

Her: you are...H
